Okinawa, Part III: Snippets from Our Road Trip

We took an entire day to explore the northern parts of Okinawa. This is where the Villages of Ogimi and Kunigami, Motubu Town, Yagaji Island and Kouri Island are located. These parts are infused within the wilderness and has a special place in Southern Japanese culture. Also, the natural beauty of the entire place made itself profound as we weaved our way past shorelines, over cliffs, through tunnels and on rugged dirt roads only meant for one car at a time. What we saw was a side of Japan that is rarely mentioned.


Above and below we have the Ogimi Village Office (大宜味村役場) and it is one of the few buildings that had managed to survive the devastation of the Battle of Okinawa during WWII.

Above and below we have the Ogimi Village Office (大宜味村役場) and it is one of the few buildings that had managed to survive the devastation of the Battle of Okinawa during WWII.




Next up we have the Bashofu center. This delicate art is the handmade craft of turning the stems of banana trees into finely woven clothing or accessories.


A lot of the elderly participate in this thorough process of turning seemingly fragile fibers into strong and durable fabric. It is attributed to have kept them nimble and alert, and is hence thought to contribute to their longevity.


The different grades of banana tree stem fibres.


The end product!

This costs S$500...

This costs S$500…


The villagers carry out a lot of religious processions and ceremonies at the falls, so be sure not to intrude or take any pictures should that be the case



This is a beautiful place to be at. The corals almost protrude out of the waters surface while the waves crash viciously against the cape below. All around are reminders of Okinawa's troubled past and it's desire to be one with Japan. A truly mesmerising sight on a perfectly sunny day.

This is a beautiful place to be at. The northernmost tip of Okinawa! The corals almost protrude out of the waters surface while the waves crash viciously against the cape below. All around are reminders of Okinawa’s troubled past and it’s desire to be one with Japan. A truly mesmerising sight on a perfectly sunny day.


A rock with the words commemorating a time when Okinawa was under US rule and longed to be reunited with mainland Japan. The northernmost tip is the symbol for such a struggle.

Looking out into the sea and sky.

Looking out into the sea and sky.



A sacred tree at Kunigami Village.

A sacred tree at Kunigami Village.

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Bridge to Kouri Island.


A tiring day it has been!

A tiring day it has been!

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